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A few reasons to vote for Bradley Park for Surveyor!

Bradley has the endorsement and support of the Salt Lake County Surveyors who have served in office for the previous 30 years. He also has the support of many other County Surveyors throughout the State of Utah because they know he is the only candidate with the right kind of experience and vision for the future of the office.

Bradley is the ONLY candidate in this race with both managerial and supervisory experience. He has held leadership positions in both the private and public sectors.

He is the only candidate with extensive knowledge and expertise in managing budgets. In 2023 he was able to lower the Surveyors office budget through existing partnerships with local Cities. 

As Chief Deputy Surveyor, Bradley has brought a lot of improvements to the Surveyors Office from his time and experience in the private sector. He has reduced the time it takes to make survey information available to the public and increased efficiencies in the day to day work.

Bradley is the only candidate who understands the legislative process and has actively worked during the last few sessions to protect your right to “quietly enjoy” property. This is a critical function for the County Surveyor. 

Bradley truly cares about serving ALL Salt Lake County residents. Throughout his life he has dedicated much of his time to serving our community. 

Vote Bradley Park for County Surveyor 

Committee to Elect Bradley Park
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